Activity 1 – Voter Registration


To provide all Marathon County high school students with the experience of completing the Wisconsin Voter Registration Application.  For students of legal voting age, this application may be used for actual voter registration by submitting it to the clerk of their municipality after the mock convention.



  • Obtain the Wisconsin Voter Registration Application and Instruction Form from the clerk’s office of the municipality where students reside or visit the Government Accountability Board (GAB) site, click on forms, and download form number EL-131. Forms are also available in Hmong and Spanish on the GAB website.


  • Students are required to complete the Voter Registration Application to participate in all convention activities including being on the voter rolls and attending the convention as a delegate or alternate.
  • Teachers will collect the Voter Registration Applications and develop an official roll of voters for your school. The roll of voters will be used for additional convention activities.
  • Schools participating in the convention will be assigned a state based on their enrollment size as it relates to the relative population of each state.
  • Send a copy of the registered voters list to [email protected] by Friday, September 30, 2022.
  • Return the Voter Registration Application to the students and remind those that are 18 that they can register to vote with their municipal clerk.


  • What are registration requirements in each state? Should there be a federal law mandating requirements?
  • What criteria are essential for voter registration?
  • Why might some people by reluctant to vote?
  • How can you encourage other people to register to vote?


Go to for more information on engaging young voters.